Find items in a list

You can find items by using a simple search for a specific item in a list, or a more specific search where you search for a specific item in a column in the list.

To search for a specific item in a list

  • Enter the details of what you are searching for into the Search List box.

To search for specific items in specific columns in a list

  1. Right-click on the appropriate item in the list and select Find.
  2. Enter the text to look for in the Find box.
  3. Select the column to search from the In column drop-down list.
  4. Specify how to search for the information from the Match drop-down list.
    • Select Any to find the text anywhere in the item. For example, searching for Depr will match Vehicle Depr - U235UVK and Default Depreciation.
    • Select Start to search for the text if it appears at the start of the item.
    • Select Whole to find the exact text entered.
  5. Click Apply Filter to start the search, using the new search criteria.